There’s no doubt, cold calling isn’t easy. But there are some secrets to success – such as having the mental toughness to accept rejection and using a combination of these four tactics.
1. Prioritize prospecting times (and days)
In most industries, the cold-call contact rate is significantly higher at certain times of the day (or week). A quick look at key metrics can generally help determine when the best time to reach prospects via phone is.
Your reps should schedule cold calls during that time period and make it a point to firm up specific callback times when dealing with gatekeepers.
It may also be helpful to monitor the call-to-appointment ratio (as well as the contact rate) on a weekly basis to determine if the strategy is having an impact.
2. Map out goals in advance
The author Lewis Carroll once wrote, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” The same holds true for cold calling. Success lies in the ability to know what the goal is beforehand so conversations can be orchestrated accordingly.
Pre-call research may give your team a better understanding of what each prospect’s needs are, and why your products and services offer ideal solutions.
A goal should be set for each call, whether it be scheduling an appointment, learning more about a prospect’s needs, or getting the prospect to agree to a follow-up call the next week.
3. Use e-mail as a buffer
It’s effective to send an introductory e-mail before a cold call. While it’s rare for prospects to engage in a dialogue via e-mail, the strategy may be a good way to break the ice.
Opening calls by mentioning that your company’s sent some information via e-mail a day or two prior usually results in prospects: acknowledging they received the e-mail, or admitting they haven’t had a chance to read it.
Either way, a rep now has an opening to discuss your product or service.
4. Focus on improving one skill at a time
Many reps are reluctant to make cold calls. And overcoming that reluctance rarely happens overnight.
One way to start: Rather than expecting the tide to turn immediately, choose one prospecting skill reluctant reps should focus on each week, as well as a way to measure progress.
As you begin to see progress in each area, it’s almost inevitable your team’s
overall success rate will increase as well.
Adapted in part from “14 Steps to Successful Cold Calling,” by Mark Hunter.